Lisa Mills Health Coach, Iridologist, Detox Specialist

Lisa Mills

Holistic Health Coach & Detox Specialist

Are you ready to take charge of your health?

Your body was made to heal itself! The problem is that toxins, heavy metals, pathogens, and parasites interfere with your natural ability to heal. By detoxing the body and cleansing away the obstacles, you restore your body’s ability to renew itself daily.

Reclaim your health, energy, and mental clarity

…through ROOT CAUSE solutions and detox methods that eliminate the toxinc substances causing the symptoms. We get to the HEART of the matter. Are you ready to feel better? Let’s do it!

Welcome to Heart My Life!

. . . where we are empowering women (and a few good men) to take back their health and become their own best healer. If you’re here, it’s probably because you haven’t been feeling your best and you’ve run into a wall finding answers from mainstream sources. You’re not alone! So many people today are finding that their “health care” is leaving them feeling sick, barely managing symptoms or making them feel worse.

Here at Heart My Life we help people identify the ROOT CAUSE of their symptoms, then show them how to detox their bodies the right way, in the right order so that the source of their symptoms disappears, taking the health struggles away too. We help you cleanse your organs and systems of parasites, bacterial overgrowth, infections, heavy metals, and toxins that have been building up for years, maybe decades.

Then we teach people to be their own best healer by sharing cutting-edge information, practical advice, support and motivation, and functional diagnostics when needed. Our powerful detox supplements accelerate your journey so you feel better faster. We’ll walk with you and help you find your way through the morass. Let us help you with research on your particular combination of symptoms and develop a plan that is customized to you. I want you to be able to say “I Heart My Life!”

Are you ready to transform your life? My team and I are ready to help!!

Are you suffering from symptoms of toxicity?

Top 10 signs you need to detox:

  • Inability to burn fat, lose weight
  • Chronic fatigue, hormone issues
  • Brain fog, difficulty remembering things
  • Depression, anxiety, mood swings
  • Acne, skin rashes, varicose veins
  • Constipation, diarrhea, digestive problems
  • Sleep issues, insomnia, never rested
  • Headaches, migraines, lightheadedness
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, smell
  • Body or joint pain, muscle issues

Guess what? There's a detox for that!

We offer research-based programs to reclaim your health

Self-Paced Courses

Learn to detox on your own schedule and at your own pace with our online courses! Packed with information, tips, worksheets, supplement suggestions, recipes, and SO MUCH MORE! You will love learning to take care of yourself with lifetime access to theses educational goldmines.

Guided Group Programs
Guided Group Programs

Want ongoing face-time with an experienced detox specialist at an affordable price? Want the support of other people like you who are trying to find answers to their health questions? Our guided group programs offer incredible value and support.

1:1 Coaching Support
Customized VIP Journeys

We work one-on-one with clients who have particular challenges or needs. Packages may include lab testing, one-on-one meetings with a coach, and suggestions custom-made based on your situation and symptoms. Join this program by application and invitation.

Are your mitochondria healthy?

Both health and disease begin at the cellular level, and your mitochondria (tiny power plants inside your cells) play a huge role in how you feel.

When they start to break down, you might experience fatigue, brain fog, trouble sleeping, weight problems, and so many other symptoms. Sound familiar?

Identifying the problem makes it easier to fix. Take this quick quiz to see if your mitochondria are at the root of your health struggles.

Let's share the joys of healthy living.

Join the Heart My Life mailing list for health tips, free resources, and invitations to special events.

Download this free guide

Did you realize the beauty products you use as well as a number of common household products might be the cause of your health struggles? We are exposed to hundreds of toxins daily, but you can mitigate the effects. This guide will help you identify and eliminate toxins in your environment so you feel better.

Are Toxins Making You Sick
Watch this Free Webinar

What is the ROOT CAUSE of your health issues? For nearly everyone, the cause is TOXINS! But how are we getting exposed? I’ve put together 2 hours of cutting edge information on ways that you are being exposed to toxins and how to purge them from your life and body. Get immediate access to this mini-course and start eliminating toxins.

Does this sound familiar?

You’re not sure when it happened, but one day you woke up and realized you just don’t feel that great anymore. Your energy is low. You’ve put on some weight. It’s not unusual to feel a little blue. And then there’s the nagging health issues. They were nothing major at first—just minor annoyances. But over time they’ve multiplied and gotten intense so that now you can’t really ignore them—aches and pains, digestive struggles, female problems, weight gain, hormone imbalances, metabolic chaos and so much more all piling on and leaving you feeling defeated. Ugh! I’ve been there, friend.

Maybe like me you’ve even been to the doctor to get some help. Your tests came back “normal” and they tell you nothing is really wrong with you. It’s probably just aging, or a condition you have to learn to live with. But deep inside you know that’s not true.

The thought of living the rest of your life feeling how you do right now is just depressing.

I'm here to tell you there's hope!

The problem is no one has taught you how to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your issues.

My approach combines intensive education with natural remedies, nutrition, detoxing and cleansing on a deep level, practical fitness advice, health coaching, emotional support, and mindset mastery to offer you a program that feeds your body, mind, and soul, and walks you down the road to thriving health.

Say goodbye to fatigue while you balance your hormones. Bid adieu to the extra weight and the aches and pains, while simultaneously turning back time to look and feel younger. And the best part . . . this path is all natural and you have total control over your health.

So what are you waiting for? Don’t waste another minute feeling blah! Let’s get to work reclaiming the health and vitality you desire.

Don't let another day go by. Start now!