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There's something for everyone at Heart My Life!

Our most popular detox course

Is your body begging you for help?

Symptoms are your body’s way of talking to you and asking for help. When the toxins and inflammation build up, your body begins to struggle to function. Your body gets out of balance, symptoms develop, and you feel less than your best.

But have no fear, you can flush those toxins out and bring your body into balance again, When you do that, the symptoms fade away. This course provides the information. You bring the determination!

How is your liver? Gallbladder issues? This is for you!

Does your liver need some love?

It happens all too often. The liver gets congested and the body out of balance, leading to digestive issues, bloating, gas, pain, and even gall stones. Have you ever had a gall bladder attack? Painful!

But you don’t have to accept these conditions. In a few easy steps, you can flush the buildup out of your liver and gallbladder and release hundreds of stones in just one day. I know because I’ve helped dozens of clients do it and saved a few gallbladders from the surgeon’s knife along the way.
How to flush gallstones and clean our your liver

Other courses and workshops we offer

Parasite Cleanse

Join the Full Moon Parasite Cleanse

Most people don’t realize how disruptive parasites can be to the human body, or how many people are infected and don’t know it. Body pain, anxiety, mood swings, constipation, digestive issues, and so many other symptoms can be related to parasites. How long has it been since you’ve done a parasite cleanse? Join us this month!

Hidden Toxins

Are Toxins Making You Sick

We are living in one of the most toxic times in history. In the last 50 years, over 100,000 chemicals have been approved for use on humans, but only 5% have been tested for safety. Most of them have a detrimental effect on our bodies. The good news is once you understand how they’re entering your body, you can make easy changes to eliminate the sources.

CDS Basics

CDS or Chlorine Dioxide Solution has been surging into the public awareness over the last few years. I heard about this substance and it piqued my interest so I began researching the topic. I ordered my first kit a couple years ago and now regularly use CDS in a variety of forms. Learn more about my journey, pros and cons, tips to get you started off right, and resources to help you succeed.

Check out our coaching programs

Detox Transformation

Guided Group Programs

Want ongoing face-time with an experienced detox specialist at an affordable price? Want the support of other people like you who are trying to find answers to their health questions? Our guided group programs offer incredible value and support. Weekly meetings, email support, and lab testing options available.

1:1 Coaching Programs

1:1 Coaching Support

We work one-on-one with clients who have particular challenges or needs. Packages may include lab testing, one-on-one meetings with a coach, and suggestions custom-made based on your situation and symptoms. Join this program by application and invitation.

What our clients are saying...

Satisfied Customer

“For as long as I can remember I have suffered from insomnia. My variable sleep schedule was crippling to modern life. Some nights I wouldn’t fall asleep until 5am and have my alarm going off at 7am. This was a vicious cycle that was not broken until I tried this detox program. Once I cleaned out my organs and purged the parasites out of my system it was like being a new man. I can now fall asleep within minutes, stay asleep all night, and no longer have an issue with keeping a regular schedule. Another side effect is that my dreams have become far more vivid, my depression has subsided, and my anxiety has almost entirely disappeared. I had decades of toxins built up in my system that were keeping the real me suppressed. Removing them from my system was the best decision I have ever made. ”
– Brock T.

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Meet the Coach

Lisa Mills Health Coach, Iridologist, Detox Specialist

Lisa Mills

Holistic Health Coach
Detox Specialist

My name is Lisa Mills, and just like you I got tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. Digestive problems, weight gain, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalances, heavy cycles, aches and pains, and that’s just the start of the list of ailments I suffered from.

I went to the doctor. In fact I went to several doctors. They ran tests. Spent my money (over $35K to be exact) only to tell me my tests were normal. There was nothing wrong with me.

When I pointed out that I was obviously not in good health or I wouldn’t be there, they grew frustrated and offered cliche advice like, “Well, you’re just getting older.” Or worse, “Maybe it’s all in your head. Counseling might help.” Gaslighting? No thank you!

I finally realized that while they were well-meaning people, they didn’t have the knowledge or training to help me. I set out on a journey to heal myself, spent days and hours researching, tested out dozens of products and detox methods, and finally found the art of deep detox at the CHI Holistic Health Institute which brought everything I’d learned together and gave me the cohesive structure I needed to complete my healing.

I got my life back and you can too! And I loved natural health so much, I’ve been learning and working in this field ever since. I’d love to share these methods with you and see you thrive again!