Rock Your Detox Course

are you ready to take charge of your health?

The Heart My Life Team is ready to help with premium education on the most effective detoxing methods.

Does this sound familiar?

You’re not sure when it happened, but one day you woke up and realized you just don’t feel that great anymore. Your energy is low. You’ve put on weight. It’s not unusual to feel a little blue. And then there’s the nagging health issues. They were nothing major at first—just minor annoyances. But over time they’ve multiplied and gotten intense so that now you can’t really ignore them—aches and pains, digestive struggles, female problems, weight gain, hormone imbalances, metabolic chaos and so much more all piling on and leaving you feeling defeated. Ugh! I’ve been there, friend.

Maybe like me you’ve even been to the doctor to get some help. Your tests came back “normal” and they tell you nothing is really wrong with you. They tell you “It’s just aging.” Or worse they try to convince you, “It’s a condition you have to learn to live with.” But deep inside you know that’s not true.

The thought of living the rest of your life feeling how you do right now is depressing. You’re not alone. So many people are struggling with these symptoms.

The Top Ten Signs You Need To Detox Now

Does any of this sound like you?
At the root of every single one of these symptoms is TOXINS!
So doesn’t it make sense to get them OUT of your body?

Has anyone ever told you...

An elevated toxic burden leads to overgrowth of parasites, infections, mold, fungus, and hormonal imbalances in your body. With that comes all the health issues you are struggling to manage.

Here’s the good news: If you can purge the toxins and all the unwanted critters and germs that come with them, you can bring your systems back into balance! I doubt your doctor has mentioned that, right? Mine never did.

So what if someone could teach you how to detox your body on a deep level the right way, in the right order? What if you could spend four to six weeks cleaning out your body’s systems and feeding it the intense nutrition it needs to heal? What if you started sleeping better, digesting well, and the weight started coming off? What if those frustrating health problems could fade away as you regain your energy, your vitality, and you begin to thrive again?

I promise you, it’s possible! My team sees it happen every day, and we’d love to see it happen to you! Are you ready? Let’s do this!

Rock Your Detox Course

Learn powerful self-healing principles that will transform your life. Cleanse your body of the toxins that are making you sick. Reset your metabolism and your hormones and start living again! Are you ready to Rock Your Detox?

Here's what's included

Included in the "Rock Your Detox" Course


$199.00 (limited time discount)

I'm So Glad You're Here!

Lisa Mills, Holistic Health Coach, Detox Specialist

Lisa Mills

Holistic Health Coach

Detox specialist

Certified Master Iridologist

My name is Lisa Mills, and just like you I got tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. Digestive problems, weight gain, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalances, heavy cycles, aches and pains, and that’s just the start of the list of ailments I suffered from.

I went to the doctor. In fact I went to several doctors. They ran tests. Spent my money (over $35K to be exact) only to tell me my tests were normal. There was nothing wrong with me.

When I pointed out that I was obviously not in good health or I wouldn’t be there, they grew frustrated and offered cliche advice like, “Well, you’re just getting older.” Or worse, “Maybe it’s all in your head. Counseling might help.” Gaslighting? No thank you!

I finally realized that while they were well-meaning people, they didn’t have the knowledge or training to help me. I set out on a journey to heal myself, spent days and hours researching, tested out dozens of products and detox methods, and finally found the art of deep detox which brought everything I’d learned together and gave me the cohesive structure I needed to complete my healing.

I got my life back and you can too! And I loved the detox program so much I got certified to teach it. I’d love to share these methods with you and see you thrive again!

This is for you if...

This is not for you if...

Still on the fence?

Check out these facts about the world we live in today.

I could go on, but I think you get the picture, right? You can’t escape it, but you can face it, deal with it, and mitigate the effects on your health. I can show you how.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sort of, IF you are willing to eat a strict diet of organic foods free from inflammatory triggers, while at the same time working vigorously to avoid any and all environmental toxins. And you will need to do this for about 3 times longer than if you use supplements. Few people have the discipline to do that, and let’s face it—getting the job done three times faster so you feel better is the way to go. And a dietary detox doesn’t really have the power to pull the heavy metals out of your system. Additionally binders in foods don’t have the ability to grab onto certain metals and toxins and escort them out of your body. So you may not get as complete a detox without supplements.

Yes, you can. But you should be aware that store-bought supplements are around 25% of the strength of the nutraceuticals that we offer. From the store you might also be purchasing supplements that have not been appropriately tested for contamination, metals, molds, and other toxins that you are trying to get out of your system. It kind of defeats the purpose, so if you go this route, do thorough research first. We offer high-quality, elegantly designed and vigorously tested supplements specifically targeted at detoxing your entire body and all your systems at the cellular level.

Yes, with most plans you can choose to pay all at once or in several smaller payments.

Please get in contact at any time if you’re not satisfied with your coaching. We do our best to ensure all clients are happy and need to determine on a case-by-case basis the eligibility of refunds.

Satisfied Customer

“For as long as I can remember I have suffered from insomnia. My variable sleep schedule was crippling to modern life. Some nights I wouldn’t fall asleep until 5am and have my alarm going off at 7am. This was a vicious cycle that was not broken until I tried this detox program. Once I cleaned out my organs and purged the parasites out of my system it was like being a new man. I can now fall asleep within minutes, stay asleep all night, and no longer have an issue with keeping a regular schedule. Another side effect is that my dreams have become far more vivid, my depression has subsided, and my anxiety has almost entirely disappeared. I had decades of toxins built up in my system that were keeping the real me suppressed. Removing them from my system was the best decision I have ever made. ”       — Brock T.

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