parasite gallery

There’s a silent epidemic going on in the United States and it’s probably affecting you too! Parasites can create chaos in your body. They eat your nutrients, poop toxins all over your insides, and reproduce like crazy unless you do something to stop them. All kinds of crazy symptoms can result from having an unchecked parasitic infection in your body.

The main stream medical community refuses to acknowledge the need for parasite cleansing. They go so far as to deny that this could ever be a problem in a “first-world country” and deny medication that can be incredibly beneficial in ridding a body of them. Could that be because they make oodles of money off treating you for the symptoms that a parasite infestation can cause in your body?

Well here’s the reality: Every person I know that has gone through this cleanse has evicted parasites — meaning they could clearly see them in the toilet. And keep in mind that 70% of parasites are microscopic, so the ones you can see are only a fraction of what is in there. We aren’t lying when we tell you these things are living inside you and we’re willing to prove it with pictures. These are actual shots of parasites that have been flushed out with this cleanse.

Request a copy of my Parasite Report that include many of the symptoms and problems that a parasite infestation can create in your body. You may find the information eye opening!

This stuff is living inside of you too!

We can help you “evict” these unwanted houseguests and rid yourself of the toxic symptoms they cause in your body.

Parasite images

These are actual photos of parasite releases from myself or fellow coaches or clients. I have yet to meet anyone who does not release parasites when they do a proper parasite cleanse, so chances are these critters are living inside of you too.

Parasite release
parasites in stool
parasite cleanse that works
6 inch parasite in stool
parasite evident in stool
Roundworm image

Biofilm images

This is the stuff that is coating your intestines. Over time, toxins and undigested food form a thick rubbery substance that lines your gut and blocks absorption of nutrients. It also provides a shield that parasites hide behind. You need special herbs and supplements to break this down and escort it out of your system so that your gut can heal. The cleanse I offer in my course and programs is the only one that has ever prompted the release of biofilm for me. If you look closely you can see the gelatinous lining around many of these samples and in many cases, trapped bubbles behind the biofilm.

black rubbery biofilm
biofilm released in toilet
Biofilm release